Africa to me is a homeland that I feel disconnected with. A place with connection and what feels like an invisible thread connected between us, but with the littlest importance. I find Africa a place of great beauty and culture but even with that, it's hard to feel a part of it. Being from America Africa was always something that was mainly taught in school. Mainly hearing about it from the trans-Atlantic slave trade and geography it was hard at times to get a true understanding.
Africa's beauty I feel has been misunderstood especially in the teaching of it, with 54 countries and over 1.2 billion people Africa is more complex than anywhere else. It's the birthplace of mankind, every person in the world stems from there—the home of vast resources and the source of almost all the world's power and oil. Suffering from colonization and millions of people being displaced it has persevered through all that. Africa to me is the greatest story of all, the one where no matter how much the main character gets knocked down, they will always get back up.
It’s crazy how powerful Africa is. For me, when I think of Africa, I think love….power…pride. I feel the same way about school systems here in the U.S. We don’t really learn much about Africa and it sucks.
I share the same views on Africa that the connection is still there however I feel that I am disconnected from it all at the same time especially with how we were barley taught about Africa in school mainly through slavery as you stated.